Ball State Cheerleading


Peter Carr said...

The name of my package this week is behind the beak. It’s an inside look at what it takes to be Charlie
Cardinal and being the mascot at ball state. I thought the interview went really well. We used anomys lighting and it looks really cool. We put a kicker light on the Cardinal had to give the interview a little more than just blacking out the face. The interview went very well and it I am hoping I can do the story justice. Charlie had a lot to say, and was one of the best interviewers this semester. I am looking forward to the package and telling the true story of what it is like to be behind the beak.

Steven Albritton said...

Our story is about how the Ball State Cheerleaders are preparing for nationals. Both the all-girl squad and co-ed squad are preparing to send in entry tapes for judging. Both squads have to put stunts, pyramids, baskets, and tumbling on the tape to be reviewed by the competition committee.

Unfortunately both teams are having difficulties getting ready. First, the injury bug has hit both teams. The past four years there have never been so many people banged up. Replacing people has made taping a difficult process.

Also money is holding back the all-girl from officially being able to go. Unfortunately the cheerleaders have to "pay" to cheer. They raise money all summer to cover what they need for the season. But to take one squad to nationals is over $20,000. And as of now co-ed will be going but all-girl needs to raise another $15,000 so they can go.

It's a difficult stretch for both teams but both are coming through when it counts.